join the team
We are currently looking for creative people to join our team!
If you have a passion for fostering a love of the arts and a heart of worship to our Creator through the arts, we would love for you fill out the application below.
Positions Desired
Private Music Instructors (Male & female)
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Contrabass, World)
Guitar (Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Classical Guitar, World Guitars)
Voice (Modern Contemporary, Classical, Gospel, Jazz, Pop)
Piano (Classical, Jazz, Pop, Contemporary, RnB/Soul, Gospel)
Woodwinds and Brass (Trumpet, Baritone, Tuba, Saxophone, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Flute, etc)
World Instruments (Koto, Shamisen, Sitar, Erhu, Quatro, Laude, Charrango, Bagpipes, etc)
Live Looping and Production (DAW education, Controllers, MIDI, etc)
Bass Guitar (Electric Bass, Fretless, Standup, etc)
Ukulele (Soprano, Tenor, Concert, Baritone)
Synth (Analog, MIDI, Digital synth processors and modelers such as Native Instruments)
Percussion (Traditional, Orchestral, World, Marching Band)
Try it All (General understanding of all instruments and music exposure)
Technology Instructors
Audio Engineering
Group Instructors
Choir Director
Worship Team Instruction and Assembly
Office positions
Secretary / Receptionist