What is missions?
You do not need to go on a trip in order to do missions - it is a part of everyday life. Missions is sharing the gospel through the way you live your life, the way you proclaim His name to the closest people to you, and the way you spread the gospel. Missions is a way of life. When it does come to traveling outside of our local sphere, we enjoy going on short-term mission trips. Because we value missions, applying for a mission trip does not automatically mean that you will be going on the trip. We pray about each applicant and ask the Lord if this is the trip for them and what the Lord is saying and doing for that particular trip.
Missions Trips - Domestic and International
Evangelism & Outreach - Local Missions
Current Mission trips

All of the above considered, it is a part of our goal to reach the lost and save souls through this act of worship. Through being the hands and feet of Jesus we are heavily concerned with those who have not heard the gospel or even those to whom the gospel has been poorly exemplified. Our hearts cry out and are burdened by those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord. Therefore, it is our goal to build missions trips that are centered around creating relationships with those who live in the field. Through our relationships with missionaries and churches worldwide, we are able to not only send people but also provide financial support as well. If this is also your heart, click the button below:

The Timothy Initiative
David Nelms
Eve’s Victory
Jessica Vizecky
Envision Miami
Matt and Teri Perrotto
The CMA Great Commission Fund
Along the Way Ministries
Paul and Lynn Coleman