There are several ways that you can give at Reveal:
Checks and cash are received at all services via the boxes by either set of doors in the sanctuary.
You can give online or through our app via Church Center (links below).
You can also set up text-giving by texting a dollar amount to 84321.
We are able to receive stock and mutual fund gifts. See next section.
For checks: Tax deductible and non-tax deductible payments must be received as separate checks (i.e., your tithe and payment for a class cannot be on one check as a lump sum).
Giving Stocks or Mutual Funds
Giving appreciated stocks or mutual funds is a great way to give. You are able to avoid the capital gains, the entire donation is tax deductible and helps the ministry. If you would like to give in this way or want more creative ways to legally reduce tax liability through giving, email tye@revealfellowship.com or call the office at 561-967-3149.
To support the mission trip, simply hit the button below and select Honduras in the menus to give!
Donations and payments for counseling are not tax-deductible as there is a tangible service received.
Many people have found it convenient and easy to use their personal bank online bill-pay. Simply set up Reveal Fellowship as a vendor or payee. Use our address: (8431 Lake Worth Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33467). The bank will then mail us a check and no one pays any fees (we have to pay fees to collect credit card payments), so this is the best for everyone if it is convenient for you.
All donations are tax-deductible unless otherwise noted. Your giving record and year-end statements are available in Church Center.