REVEAL young adults
Navigating through the emotional rollercoaster of being a young adult is often overwhelming at times
and can lead us to losing confidence in who God has called us to be. Unfortunately, many young adults
either don’t know how to change this, or don’t have the resources surrounding them to help. This is not
the way that God created us to walk through life. We learn more about ourselves and who God is when
we seek him with the community around us.

We as a body are passionate about seeing people radically touched by the love of the Father and set free from the bondage of loneliness, depression, suicidal thoughts, and the many other tactics the enemy uses to attack those on the outskirts of community.
The Holy Spirit moves mightily every Friday night as we behold the beauty of the Lord and give Him the
adoration He deserves. We uphold the idea that God wants to spend time with His children and so we
like to take our time in the presence of the Lord during worship, which last around 30 to 40 minutes,
with another 40 minutes in the Word. However, we are accustomed to allowing the Lord to shift our
schedules, which may entail longer nights.

We hold fast to being oracles of God through speaking the very word of God. We are heavy into worshipping the Lord through song, dance, and scripture, which is all done with an attitude of reverence.
the “after party”
The night is never officially over after the main service ends though. Many people stay after and
continue to minister, laugh, and cry with each other. We take building relationships and community
seriously and many people find themselves surrounded by new friends and family that take interest in their spiritual walks within their first few visits. Afterwards, there’s normally a group that heads out to get food and continue building friendships and relationships outside the four walls of a building.